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  • Writer's pictureBrayden Sharp-Chrunik

Have I built a Social Media Identity?

Updated: Apr 7, 2019

A quick google search of my name did not yield any surprises. Looking at the top results I saw reference to my social networking sites (Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram), social media sites (Pinterest, Google+ etc.), obituaries of family members I have recently lost to which I was highlighted, as well as reference to myself as a Kappa Sigma (Fraternity) alumni. Look a little deeper and I also see links to the research paper I published during my undergrad as well as reference to my position at the company I work for as well as the high school I attended. 

I have been a relative social media ghost over the last few years, neither positive or negative, and have spent more time viewing others posts than actually posting myself. Reflecting on this fact, and going through the materials for week one, I hope to make more of an effort to be more present on social media, however, tailoring my approach to be more professional and business orientated one, rather than personal. I have been progressively more weary of posting about my personal life (at least over the past 5 or so years as I am sure the younger me posted things I should not have at least a couple times) over social media as I progress into more influential positions along my career path. I have learned and hold myself accountable to what I post and, although I am sure I can always be more aware and think before I post, have been relatively proud of how I avoid many situations that may have a negative impact on me.

My last few social media posts were either "shares" or "retweets" of humorous videos, music I enjoy, or news surrounding the health services field, volunteering opportunities within the community, or sports. Looking at my personal twitter account I have not tweeted in years and so have looked to revitalize my presence through the creation of a more professional orientated account. My first few tweets have been about this course or motivational quotes of the day.

Other than Twitter and Facebook I also have accounts on Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest (although I never use it) and LinkedIn. I am most active on Facebook and Snapchat although plan to be active on Twitter into the future and update my LinkedIn once every 6 months. I tend to keep my activity to my interests (sports, humour, music, and health news) and tend to follow a variety of people in those fields including comedians, politicians, musicians, models, and athletes.

Overall, I think my social media presence is rather small and confined to a few select areas. There is definite room for growth as well tailoring to be more aware of what I post online. With a greater presence and following I will have to be even more careful in my approach and involvement in topics. I hope to work on this throughout this course. 


Brayden Sharp-Chrunik, BSc.

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